KCC Impact Kids

KCC Impact Kids

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Thursday's Dinner Time Devos

Mealtime Prayer: 
Ask God to help you be what He created and wants you to be.

Do you know how bees make honey? They eat pollen and mix it with their saliva and put it in their honeycombs! Think of as many words as you can that rhyme with the word bee. How about looking up a YouTube video on how bees make honey? Fun!

Main Course: 
Why do people use the phrase “busy as a bee”? What do bees do that keeps them so busy? Are you "busy as a bee" or do you slack off on things that need done? How can you improve this for both your life and your families health?

Every bee has a special job, and each bee does what it’s supposed to do without grumbling or complaining. Do you think they have good “attitude"? Do YOU have a good attitude? What are some ways that you can work on improving it? What are some tasks that you can complete without complaining or arguing?

The teachings in Matthew 5:3–12 are called the Beatitudes. 
Read what these verses have to say about attitudes.

Table Talk:
• What does the word blessed mean? • How can we be happy when we are having problems? • How can changing our attitude help us to be happy instead of sad or angry? • How can you turn a disaster into an adventure? (Answer: With a good attitude.)

Vitamins and Minerals:
“Blessed is he who trusts in the LORD” (Proverbs 16:20b).

Credit: Focus on the Family Dinner Time Devotions

1 comment:

  1. nice post, keep up with this interesting work. It really is good to know that this topic is being covered also on this web site so cheers for taking time to discuss this!
