KCC Impact Kids

KCC Impact Kids

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thursday's Dinner Time Devos

The Whole Enchilada

Mealtime Prayer: 
Unless you’re ill, there is only one way for your meal to travel to your
stomach (through your mouth), and there is only one way for you to travel to God
(through Jesus). Thank God for these special paths.
Appetizer: Bible quiz time!
1. The payment (wages) for sin is (Romans 6:23): a. Death; b. Sickness; c. A fine
2. Jesus came to earth (John 3:16, 1 Corinthians 15:3): a. To show you how much He
loves you; b. To take the punishment for your sins; c. Both of the above.
3. God will forgive me (1 John 1:9): a. When I learn to always do the right thing; b.
When I admit I’ve done wrong, and believe that Jesus died for me; c. When I become
an adult.
4. You can get to heaven (John 14:6): a. On a jet plane, breaking the sound barrier; b.
By being a good person and doing good deeds; c. By putting your faith in Jesus
Christ and asking Him into your heart. (Answers: a, c, b, c)
Main Course: 
Jesus is the whole enchilada. That is, He’s all it takes to become God’s child.
Compare Jesus to three other types of food. (Example: Like spinach, Jesus gives us strength.)
Table Talk:
• What other things do people put their faith (trust) in instead of Jesus?
• Will any of these help them become a part of God’s family?
• What can you tell someone who wants to know the way to heaven?
Vitamins and Minerals: “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one
comes to the Father except through me’” (John 14:6).

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