KCC Impact Kids

KCC Impact Kids

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Thursday's Dinner Time Devos

What's Your Favorite Book?

Mealtime Prayer:
Have someone read the following prayer: 
“Your Word, O Lord, teaches me truth. Your Word shows me the way. 
Help me to learn; help me to listen.
Help me, O Lord, to obey. Amen.”

Name some of the books each of you has read in the past week. 
What kind of books do you enjoy reading the most? Why?
If you haven't been reading a spiritually uplifting book, would you consider starting one this month?
 If someone said he would put you in prison for reading the Bible, what would you do?

Main Course: 
The Bible is an all–time best-seller! Why do you think so many people read it? What are some things we can learn from reading it? How is the Bible different from other books?

Table Talk:
• How important is the Bible to you? Why? Would you read it even if you’d go to prison? 
(This is a real possibility in some countries.)
• How can reading the Bible help us make decisions in our everyday lives? 
• If we believe what the Bible says, how does that affect how we treat others?
 • Why do you think it is important to memorize Bible verses?

Vitamins and Minerals:
“I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you” (Psalm 119:11).

If you'd like the printable version of this Dinner Time Devo, please click the link below.

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