KCC Impact Kids

KCC Impact Kids

Friday, March 7, 2014

March Missions Madness

March Missions Madness

Click here to view the March Missions Madness video "Madagascar"

Parents, please encourage your kids to collect change for BGMC throughout the entire month of March. Adults, we would love to have your support as well by bringing in loose change. You can bring in your BGMC offering any Sunday in March.

By Mary Boyd
Every year during the month of March, BGMC runs its annual campaign called "March Missions Madness-Lost Change for Lost Souls." This campaign takes place throughout March. Lost kids are reached by supplying our missionaries with the supplies they need to spread the gospel.
We challenge you as a congregation to search your homes, cars, sofas, washing machines, dresser drawers, etc., to find change that is "lost." By giving this lost change to BGMC, lost souls will be reached with the gospel.  All Buddy Boxes should be turned in on the last Sunday of March. 
Adults, you will have opportunity during this month to show the kids your support. The adult support will instill excitement in the kids to get more involved in BGMC. 

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