KCC Impact Kids

KCC Impact Kids

Friday, October 31, 2014

What Can I Give? Christmas Experience

Hello KCC Parents!

Hopefully your kids have received a CD with the Christmas music they need to be learning for their performance on Dec. 14th. If they haven't yet received one, please let me know and I'll get them one ASAP. I hope that every Impact Kid will be able to participate! We are not having separate practices this year, so it is IMPERATIVE that they learn the songs at home. Each week in Impact Kids we will be going over the songs at the beginning of class, but I do not want to spend a lot of our lesson time on it. Because of that, I am counting on you making sure that they are listening to the CD at home multiple times throughout the week.

Here are the songs they'll need to learn off of the CD:
#1 - Christmas is the Season
#2 - What's the Trouble with Christmas
#4 - He is the Reason
#6 - Carry Your Candle
#7 - Birthday of The King

Kids pick up on music super fast, so if they listen to it 4-5 days per week they should be fine. We have it in our car and every time that we get it we listen through the CD at least once.

The practices will be: 
Sunday, Dec. 7th, from 1-3 PM
Wednesday, Dec. 10th, from 6-7 PM (Please arrive a few minutes early so we can get in place.)
Sunday, Dec. 14th, from 9-10 AM

I did not plan a Friday night practice this year, because I know December is super busy and I wanted to make it as simply as possible on families. Please mark these practice dates on your calendar! 

Next, this isn't just a Kids' Performance. It's an ALL Church Experience! What does that mean? It means that it is the staffs prayer that each family would find something you (we) can do to shine Jesus to others this Christmas season. It's basically doing random acts of kindness infused with Jesus!

Whatever we do for others is a direct act of worship to Jesus! 

If you need ideas for things your family could do, 
they'll be a table set up in the foyer that you can stop by. 

Once you've decided on something to do, we'd like to know because we're going to be incorporating it into the program. Don't worry. You won't have to do anything in the program! :-) We'll just be posting things that people are doing on the screen throughout the program. 

If you have ANY questions, please contact me (Mandy Boggs) 
at mandymichelle@hotmail.com or 253-373-9000. 

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