KCC Impact Kids

KCC Impact Kids

Friday, October 24, 2014

Know truth, think truth, follow truth

If you spend much of your time on the internet, listening to music, reading books, and watching movies or TV that sell you lies as truth, soon you'll find it easier and easier to buy into those lies! Our families have so many options now and ways to ingest information. Your kids are probably getting info from places that you don't even know exist. 

Eventually, you may (or will) begin behaving according to these false beliefs. The Bible warns us agains such lies and tells us to instead focus on the truth as revealed in God's Word.

Romans 12:2New Living Translation (NLT)

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

Colossians 2:8New Living Translation (NLT)

Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers[a] of this world, rather than from Christ.

Our kids are growing up in a different world than we did. That's fact! Take homosexuality for instance. When I was a kid, it was not something that was portrayed openly on TV. Now, it's hard to find a show that doesn't show a homosexual couple at some point in the season. Do you find that to be true? Even HGTV often shows couples that are same sex. It is something that our kids are exposed to. We, as Christian parents, have a responsibility to teach our children what the Lord says. He loves everyone! He does not like sin. Regardless of what type of sin that is. We must love everyone, but we cannot buy into the lie that (any) sin is ok. Is this something that you talk with your kids about or leave it up to a pastor? Because guaranteed they ARE being exposed to it. Who's voice do you want to ring the loudest? Let's not shrink back and allow the world to tell our kids what's ok. Let's be the voice that they hear lovingly teaching them Biblical truths! 

How about evolution? If you're children go to public school they ARE being taught that they evolved from monkeys. Do you just assume that they know they were made by a loving Creator? Did you talk to them about it when they were younger, but not really anymore? Is it a topic that you shy away from? Are they equipped to share with their friends and teachers the reality of an AWESOME CREATOR? For that matter, are you? You can find a ton of great resources at www.answersingenesis.org. Let's give them tools to help them stand strong on their faith! 

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