KCC Impact Kids

KCC Impact Kids

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Thursday Dinner Devos

Wanted: Map Readers and Travelers

Mealtime Prayer: 
The Bible gives us clear directions for prayer. In Matthew 6:9–11, Jesus
told us to pray to “our Father in heaven,” thanking Him for our “daily bread.” 
Give each family member a chance to do this.

 Did you know that the Bible has 30,442 verses?
If you have memorized verses,
say one now.

Main Course: 
Have you ever kept track of your vacation trip on a map? It’s exciting to see
where you’ve been, where you are, and where you’re going. Name two ways that the Bible
is like a map for our lives. Next, read these verses, and then answer the questions.
• Romans 3:23. Where were we before we accepted Jesus? (Stuck in sin.)
• Romans 10:9. Where are we now? (Forgiven in Jesus.)
• 1 Peter 1:3–4. Where are we going? (Heaven.)

Table Talk:
• If your best friend lived far away and you had to travel on a journey to his or her
house, what five things would you take with you?
• Why can you be excited about the journey the Bible leads you on?
• What other directions does the Bible give to help you on your journey through life?

Vitamins and Minerals:
 “Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths” (Psalm 25:4).

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