KCC Impact Kids

KCC Impact Kids

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Raising Boys: The Best, Most Disgustingly Marvelous Work I've Ever Done

Faith + Family
Raising Boys

Raising Boys: The Best, Most Disgustingly Marvelous Work I've Ever Done 
by Sarah Short
Every so often, someone will ask me what it’s like raising a house full of boys.
I always laugh, and then shake my head.
“Well”, I usually say along with a slight giggle, “It’s messy, loud, dirty, and they are obsessed with anything and everything that I find completely disgusting. But, they are the most fascinating, fun, and hilarious creatures I’ve ever known.”
Boys. I never imagined I’d be a boy mom. I suppose as a little girl, when I toddled around with a baby doll in my arms, I imagined I’d birth a gaggle of little girl babies and we’d play tea parties and dress up and we’d paint the town pink together.
But, God - gifting me what I never would’ve known to ask Him for - filled my arms and life with boys. And, for the first eight years of my mothering journey, I was a boy mom. And, I have loved the discovery, the adventure, and the joy that has been mine because God gave me four little boys to mother.
When I think about my sons’ spiritual lives – and how I want to know them and point them to God in creative ways that speak to them – I am always looking for tools that will help get them engaged and interested in God’s word.
When I first saw Wacky Bible Gross Outs, I knew this book was perfect for my four boys.
To quote from the opening pages of the book:
The Bible is filled with adventures, heroes, villains, feats of bravery, love, romance, monsters, angels, demons – and some really GROSS and DISGUSTING STUFF! you would not believe! 
Why does the Bible have so many gross things? Because life is messy. Because people do crazy things. Sin is not pretty.
This unique and colorful book continues on with facts pages like: “What To Do With Ancient Animal Doo”, “Ribs aren’t just for barbecues”, and “You want me to do what?” And, of course, no Bible gross out book would be complete without sections like, “Blood”, “Frogs”, “Thumbs and Toes”, and “Take a Bow-el Now”.
And as if the facts aren’t enough, there are full color pages filled with truly amazing, scientific photos.
Even if you don’t have boys, you’ve GOT to be a at least a bit curious, right?
When people ask me, “What’s it like raising all those boys?” – I should really just show them my photo above.
Dirt on their mouths, mud on their fingers, a frog in their hands, and curious smiles on their faces.
This is what it means to raise sons.
And, it’s the best, most disgustingly marvelous work I’ve ever done.
* * *
SAVE 20% OFF: Wacky Bible Gross Outs from Zonderkidz!
It's a Fact: Wacky Bible Gross Outs
Buy Now

From the IT’S A FACT series, Wacky Bible Gross Outs includes all the disgusting stuff from the Bible you never knew. From boils to beheadings, plagues to dining choices, you’ll be able to astound your friends with your knowledge of disgusting Bible trivia.

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