KCC Impact Kids

KCC Impact Kids

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thursday Dinner Devos

You Say–God Says!

Mealtime Prayer: 
God says that we should pray for each other (Ephesians 6:18). 
Take time to do this after thanking God for your food.

 Did you know that because people obey God and tell others about Jesus, the
Bible has been translated into over 1,946 languages? If you could learn another language,
which would you choose?

Main Course: 
Play a game of “Simon Says,” giving everyone an opportunity to be Simon.                      
If someone completes the action without the leader saying “Simon Says,” that person is out
until a new leader takes over.
The Bible gives us instructions too. Think of it as “God Says.” God tells us what we
should do when we’re sitting, walking, and lying down. It doesn’t matter what we’re doing,
we should always think about what God says!

Table Talk:
• What was your favorite instruction in “Simon Says”? 
What was the most difficult to follow?
• What is your favorite Bible instruction? What is the most difficult to follow?
• What happens when you don’t obey what God says? (Remember that God is faithful
to forgive!) How can you check what you’re doing with what “God says”?

Vitamins and Minerals:
 “Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds. . . . [Talk]
about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down
and when you get up” (Deuteronomy 11:18–19).

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