KCC Impact Kids

KCC Impact Kids

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What's in the Bible? DVD 1

What's in the Bible? DVD #1

What's in the Bible? Intro (Click the link to watch.)
Last month in Impact Kids we watched the first DVD in the What's in the Bible? series. 
This is a great series that I would highly encourage your family to invest in. 
It can be purchased at any Christian bookstore or on Amazon.
The kids in Club 57 also began the series, however, Pastor Josh
 just showed them clips and then did more of a discussion time. 
At first glance, this may seem like it is too "kiddy" for your highly advanced children....:-) 
However, it is so fast paced and chalked full of information that ALL ages can benefit from it. 
I believe that the GREATEST benefits will come if you'd watch it together as a family and then use the 
Family Discussion Sheet below to talk about it afterwards. 
There were some things that I learned watching the first one regarding the writing of the Bible. 
It is really good stuff!

If you are a Pinterest user, there is a good supply of extras to use with each DVD. 
I have printed out the coloring pages and flashcards for each child here at KCC. 
They were handed out on January 27th. So if you missed that Sunday, just come and ask me for them. 

Due to Missions Focus this week, we will not be moving on to What's in the Bible? #2 in February.       That'll give you a chance to get caught up if you need to. 

What's in the Bible was created by Phil Vischer who is also the creator of Veggie Tales.
This link - Phil Vischer's Testimony - is a fabulous watch for all of us! This is a 5 minute video that talks about how God allowed things to happen in his life to get his focus back on following God's will and not his own. I believe it's worth your time to watch. :-) 

This is a really fun way to get the Word of God into our kids hearts and lives!

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