KCC Impact Kids

KCC Impact Kids

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Dinner Time Devotions

Not sure how to talk to your kids about God? 
Maybe you've just run out of ideas 
of things to talk about? 

How about try this! 
Click on the link below to access a great resource.

Dinner Time Devotionals can be done 
ANY time and ANY day. 
Wouldn't it be cool though if all the KCC families were doing the same devotional on the same day?! 
How about we try it?

Every Thursday there will be a link to a NEW Biblical topic to discuss with your family during dinner 
or before bed that night. 

  • They are short and sweet. 
  • There are questions so you can interact with your kids. 
  • There is a scipture verse that you can share and discuss. 
  • You can always go more in depth and work on memorizing and meditating on the verse throughout the week. 

The above link is not from this book, but this is also a great resource if you 
would like to have something on hand for a nightly family devotion time . 
You can purchase it at any Christian Bookstore or Amazon. 

Please feel free to post any devotional books
 that your family enjoys. 

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