KCC Impact Kids

KCC Impact Kids

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Spiritual Formation - Who's Responsible?

Spiritual formation is the process whereby people are transformed into Christ-likeness. 

Is it the church's responsibility or the parents' responsibility to help transform a child into Christ-likeness?

Both right? Absolutely! However.....

We believe your home is the FRONT LINE of MINISTRY to your children! The responsibility for a child's spiritual formation rests primarily in the hands of his or her parents. As the church, we want to walk beside you as you train your child to know and love Jesus by providing the best help and resources we can.

That is one of the main reasons for the creation of this blog. 

It is my desire, as I (Mandy) minister to your children on a weekly basis - along with others at KCC in their Sunday School and mid-week programs - that you will be ministering to them on a DAILY basis. So, I'm praying that some of the resources that are listed on this blog will help you as you lead your child to a life centered in Christ.

Here's your first link to a great resource for families! There are a ton of fabulous articles and ideas on helping your kids grow spiritually.

This will take you to a specific location on their site that deals with "spiritual growth for kids". 

Jesus said in John 7:37-38 
"Let anyone who is thirsty come to me, and let the one who believes in me drink. As the scripture has said, 'Out of the mouth the believer's heart shall flow rivers of living water.'" 

Let's fill our homes with rivers of HIS living water! 

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