KCC Impact Kids

KCC Impact Kids

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Game Show Dinner Devo Tonight!

 Thursday Night's Dinner Devos
goes right along with our 
"What's in the Bible?" 

Don't you just love when things work out that way. 

Remember, this is a KCC wide challenge!
The challenge is that we'll all be doing devotions together 
as we eat dinner every Thursday evening. 
We're a body of believers and it's neat when we do things together
that help us grow in the Lord as well as our individual families which 
then in turn strengths the church.

Here's tonight's link:

Happy eating ~ phyisical and spiritual food!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Family and Church Working Together

"Within family we engage in the spiritual formation of our children and at the same time are shaped by God through them. With this understanding, as a church, we are deeply committed to helping parents engage this role by encouraging, equipping, and walking alongside them in this process of growing our families in the grace and knowledge of Christ." 
- Unknown Source

What are some ways that you think the church as a whole and then KCC specifically can come along side of families to help encourage, equip, and walk alongside? 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What's in the Bible? DVD 1

What's in the Bible? DVD #1

What's in the Bible? Intro (Click the link to watch.)
Last month in Impact Kids we watched the first DVD in the What's in the Bible? series. 
This is a great series that I would highly encourage your family to invest in. 
It can be purchased at any Christian bookstore or on Amazon.
The kids in Club 57 also began the series, however, Pastor Josh
 just showed them clips and then did more of a discussion time. 
At first glance, this may seem like it is too "kiddy" for your highly advanced children....:-) 
However, it is so fast paced and chalked full of information that ALL ages can benefit from it. 
I believe that the GREATEST benefits will come if you'd watch it together as a family and then use the 
Family Discussion Sheet below to talk about it afterwards. 
There were some things that I learned watching the first one regarding the writing of the Bible. 
It is really good stuff!

If you are a Pinterest user, there is a good supply of extras to use with each DVD. 
I have printed out the coloring pages and flashcards for each child here at KCC. 
They were handed out on January 27th. So if you missed that Sunday, just come and ask me for them. 

Due to Missions Focus this week, we will not be moving on to What's in the Bible? #2 in February.       That'll give you a chance to get caught up if you need to. 

What's in the Bible was created by Phil Vischer who is also the creator of Veggie Tales.
This link - Phil Vischer's Testimony - is a fabulous watch for all of us! This is a 5 minute video that talks about how God allowed things to happen in his life to get his focus back on following God's will and not his own. I believe it's worth your time to watch. :-) 

This is a really fun way to get the Word of God into our kids hearts and lives!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Respecting Authority - Thoughts for parents on President's Day

'Teach Your Children To Respect Authority'

Probably one of the most widespread social problems of our day is the lack of respect for authority. This is blatantly evident in the youth culture of today and is often being re-enforced by TV programs and music lyrics. We should not be surprised at this, as we are now the 2nd generation since the 60's sexual and drug revolution across the world, and we are reaping the harvest that our parents sowed.
In the 60's and 70's there was a massive shift in society values and core beliefs, and many of the pillars of our society were thrown out and replaced by the philosophy of 'If it feels good do it!'. One of the major signs of the 60's revolution was the call for rebellion against 'the man' or the structure of society.
There is little doubt that these actions were inspired by the evil forces that are at work in the earth today. Forces that are hell-bent on throwing out all God-ordained authority figures and replacing them with their own rule. This is simply a continuation of the age old battle between good and evil that has been waged since the fall of man in The Garden of Eden.

All authority ultimately comes from God, and God has delegated the rule of the earth to man. Governments and Laws are established to bring order, provide benefits to the citizens of that country, and to punish those who are law breakers. Without a structured government system society breaks down and chaos rules, which is exactly what the evil forces want to happen.
When chaos rules it becomes the 'law of the jungle' and only the strong survive. Personal rights and liberties are lost and the person who has the biggest gun tells you how to live your life. Things like hospitals and schools and roads begin to disappear, and you are told what to do and what to believe.
Respect for authority begins in the home, if your children are not taught to show respect for their parents then they will certainly not show respect for the authorities within government or the church etc.
It is easier for children to show respect to their parents if their parents are loving, fair and compassionate toward them. The parents also need to practise what they preach if they are to have credibility in the children's eyes. Now I did not say that the parents need to be perfect, as that is a physical impossibility while we are still on this earth. When our children hear us apologise after we make mistakes, it helps them to see that we are all under God's authority.
Respect for authority comes through the realisation that they are there to help us and not just to control us. It is important to re-enforce this to your children, especially when they might not always appreciate or agree with decisions made by those in authority.
Now I am not advocating blind obedience to those in authority either, as I believe that those who have the rule over us must be held accountable for their actions also, and it is just as important that your children realise that with authority comes responsibility.

Teach your children to honour and respect the authorities in their lives, whether it be teachers, government, police or church authorities. This will greatly assist them to understand that the structures that have been set up both in heaven and on earth are given to help them in life.
Warm Regards
John Nolan
Suggested Action:
Explain clearly to your children that all authority comes from God, and as we submit to the authority God has given, we also submit to God.
(Exodus 20 v 12)
12    "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.
(Romans 13 v 1-4)
1Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. 3For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. 4For he is God's minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God's minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil.

Friday, February 14, 2014

International Day, THIS Sunday, in Impact Kids

Here is a link to some fun, kid-friendly recipes. :-)

THIS Sunday, February 16th, will be our annual 
Mission Day in Impact and Spirit Kids! 

Please plan to dress up in International Attire. 
It makes for a really fun day when the kids come in costumes. 

Why not make this a family outing tomorrow? 
You could go to one of the MANY local international food stores 
and find some fun and different foods that they could bring on Sunday. 

(253) 854-6800
24202 104th Avenue SE

KentWA 98030-5381 

La Huerta - Kent

Contact Information
Hours of Operation:
Monday through Saturday
405 E. Smith ST 
8:00am to 10:00pm
Kent, WA 98030
Sunday 8:00am to 9:00pm
Phone:  (253) 520-0198      

Happy Valentine's Day

Strengthing our marriages 
strengthens our children!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Dinner Time Devotions

Not sure how to talk to your kids about God? 
Maybe you've just run out of ideas 
of things to talk about? 

How about try this! 
Click on the link below to access a great resource.

Dinner Time Devotionals can be done 
ANY time and ANY day. 
Wouldn't it be cool though if all the KCC families were doing the same devotional on the same day?! 
How about we try it?

Every Thursday there will be a link to a NEW Biblical topic to discuss with your family during dinner 
or before bed that night. 

  • They are short and sweet. 
  • There are questions so you can interact with your kids. 
  • There is a scipture verse that you can share and discuss. 
  • You can always go more in depth and work on memorizing and meditating on the verse throughout the week. 

The above link is not from this book, but this is also a great resource if you 
would like to have something on hand for a nightly family devotion time . 
You can purchase it at any Christian Bookstore or Amazon. 

Please feel free to post any devotional books
 that your family enjoys. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Spiritual Formation - Who's Responsible?

Spiritual formation is the process whereby people are transformed into Christ-likeness. 

Is it the church's responsibility or the parents' responsibility to help transform a child into Christ-likeness?

Both right? Absolutely! However.....

We believe your home is the FRONT LINE of MINISTRY to your children! The responsibility for a child's spiritual formation rests primarily in the hands of his or her parents. As the church, we want to walk beside you as you train your child to know and love Jesus by providing the best help and resources we can.

That is one of the main reasons for the creation of this blog. 

It is my desire, as I (Mandy) minister to your children on a weekly basis - along with others at KCC in their Sunday School and mid-week programs - that you will be ministering to them on a DAILY basis. So, I'm praying that some of the resources that are listed on this blog will help you as you lead your child to a life centered in Christ.

Here's your first link to a great resource for families! There are a ton of fabulous articles and ideas on helping your kids grow spiritually.

This will take you to a specific location on their site that deals with "spiritual growth for kids". 

Jesus said in John 7:37-38 
"Let anyone who is thirsty come to me, and let the one who believes in me drink. As the scripture has said, 'Out of the mouth the believer's heart shall flow rivers of living water.'" 

Let's fill our homes with rivers of HIS living water! 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

NITRO Glow Kids' Conference

It's almost that time! 

NITRO Glow is right around the corner!!!

March 21st-22nd 

Parents, please prayerfully consider setting this weekend aside on your kids' schedule.

NITRO is a large scale experience with God that your kids will never forget! 

Ages: Grades 2nd - 6th 
If you are a teen that would like to be a student leader, 
please let Teacher Mandy know! (Registration cost still applies.)

Cost: $55 by March 2nd! 
(It goes up $10 after that date)
Plus $ for McDonalds food on Friday night. 
Breakfast and lunch on Saturday will be provided. 

Location: Overlake Christian Church
                                        9900 Willows Road NE Redmond, WA
Departure Time: 3 PM on Friday 
(This is a tentative time. We will work with families and their school schedules.)
Return Time: Approximately 4:30 PM on Saturday 

We will be spending the night at the church. 
Students will need - 
A sleeping bag and pillow
A change of clothes
Toothpaste and toothbrush
That's pretty much it.
 We do NOT recommend that they bring their Bibles. 
Due to the venue and constant activities, it is would be very easy to lose it.  

NITRO T-SHIRTS are available to order with online registration.
$10 online. $12 at the door. 
Sizes include: Youth S, M, L, XL  and Adult S, M, L, XL, XXL
If you'd like to pre-order one, please include the $10 and desired size with your registration.