KCC Impact Kids

KCC Impact Kids

Friday, May 22, 2015

Things YOUR kids should know about the gift of tongues.

Thirty-some years ago as a twelve-year-old child, I was seeking
the baptism in the Holy Spirit. This burden had been planted in my heart by caring teach- ers and pastors as well as by the unction of the Holy Spirit. As I prayed alone at the altar, this wonderful experience blessed my life.

Later that same night, my younger sister and brother were filled as well. Today the three of us live for God, having never strayed from the faith.

Statistically, only one in three children continue to live for God without turning aside as teens. What made the difference in our lives? We belonged to a great church with great leadership, and we received the power of the Holy Spirit to help us against the pressures of the future.

First Line of Defense
The Holy Spirit is a free gift from God. It is a gift of power for everyone, young and old (Acts 2:39). This gift was of such significance that Jesus told His disciples to
“stay in the city until you have been clothed with power” (Luke 24:49). This gift improves one’s ability to pray, praise, and comprehend God’s Word.
The youth of the Church need every power and boldness available to them as early in their spiritual journey as possible to fortify themselves against the pressures and temptations of life. The baptism of the Holy Spirit should be the Church’s first line of defense, helping to guard against the large percentage of teens who turn away from Christ.

When the disciples received the Holy Spirit, they received the evidence of speaking in other tongues (Acts 2:4). This evidence of tongues not only served as a sign to show they had received God’s gift, it also served as a tool of prayer and praise—enhancing both.

...For Praise
On the day of Pentecost, the crowds understood the disciples speaking words of praise to God in languages they had never learned. “We hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues” (Acts 2:11). This prayer language enhances the ability of children to praise God. Children often run out of words to express their adoration to God. Speaking to God in their prayer language allows them to draw close to Him through this application of praise.

...For Prayer
A prayer language can also be used when praying to God. Paul says Christians

have a weakness. That weakness is not always knowing how to pray. The Holy Spirit will intercede for us and through us with words that we don’t understand. He states, “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express” (Rom. 8:26).
This ability to pray in tongues is very comforting for children who often run out of words to say to God.
 As  speakers at children’s camps for the past 20 years, Mary and I have seen thousands of children interceding before God, using their prayer languages. It is amazing to see the intimacy these children exhibit in the presence of God.

...For Power
As amazing as the evidence of speaking in tongues is, it is the minor part of the gift of the Holy Spirit. The gift of the Holy Spirit is a gift of power for service.
Tongues is an evidence of the gift being received and a tool to use to assist in communicating with God. The gift of the Holy Spirit provides miraculous power and boldness for Christians.
Children need this power and boldness. As they see God do miraculous things through their lives, their faith in Christ grows. As they boldly stretch forth their hands to pray and see God use them in miraculous healings, they cannot help but build a powerful faith in God. This gift increases the faith of children and helps them live for God forever.

by David Boyd
Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge Coordinator 

Let's also not forget to talk to our kids about the OTHER gifts of the Spirit and pray for them! :-) 


Friday, May 15, 2015

Stick with Jesus!

This week in Impact Kids,    
Teacher Sharon will be teaching on STICKING WITH JESUS!

Parent Devo Guide:
Some things are worth sticking to no matter what. Sticking to the truth is a good example. No matter how much we may be tempted to lie, it's always right to stick to the truth. The Bible tells us that Jesus is also worth sticking to. When we choose to stick to Jesus no matter what, it's called "commitment." Commitment is like a forever-promise from the heart. When we're committed to Jesus, we promise to love and follow Him no matter who or what tries to push us away. It's great to be committed to Jesus, but it's no always easy. Many things in life will try to push us away from Jesus!

Here's some family questions to ask in devotions: 
1) What is "stick-to-itiveness"?
2) What are some things worth sticking to?
3) What kinds of things can push us away from Jesus?
4) Why is it important to stick to Jesus?
5) How can we stay committed to Jesus our WHOLE life?

Here's some verses to look up together as a family: 
Psalm 37:5
Proverbs 3:5-6
Hope to see you Sunday! 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Our Journey in Courage

This week in Impact Kids we will be talking about COURAGE! 

It takes courage to do the right thing!
We must all learn the difference between right and wrong. Some of us are still learning.                   For most of us, it will be a lifelong journey of asking the Holy Spirit to help us have a heart of discernment. 

The wonderful thing is that God never asked us to be perfect. Only Jesus, His Son, was perfect. But He did tell us to strive to obey His commandments out of a heart of love and to strive to be more and more like Jesus every day. 

"Be strong in the Lord and in his great power. Wear the full armor of God. Wear God's armor so that you can fight against the devil's evil tricks." Ephesians 6:10-11

Despite our best efforts to nurture courage in our children, only God can bring about lasting change in a child's heart. Before you begin leading your child through this devotion on courage, spend time alone with God interceding for His help. Ask Him to help YOU grow in courage, and to release His power in you and your child. 

Here's a sample prayer that may help: 

Lord, in the battles of daily life, may my children see in me an unwavering faith and confidence in You. I ask that they wouldn't see me relying on my own strength, but Yours. When I am weak may my cry be, "O my Strength, I sing praise to You; You, O God, are my fortress, my loving God." Psalm 59:17. Please help our family to remember that we CAN be strong and courageous, and know that You are with us to help us fight our battles. When You call us to do something that requires courage, we ask that Your Spirit fill us with an unwavering faith in who You are and what You can do, so we can do it confidently. In Jesus' name, Amen

Heart search:
Acknowledge when, where, and why you lack courage. 
Psalm 49:12-13 / Psalm 78:19-22 / Proverbs 28:26 / Isaiah 31:1 / Jeremiah 17:5-6

Verbalize and thank God for ways you have seen courage demonstrated in your family. 

Dear God, I know that You will help me to be strong and courageous, even when I'm scared. Thank you that You promise to go before me and always be with me and that You will never leave me or forsake me. It's hard to be brave. When I am afraid, please help me to put my trust in You, instead of myself. Please help our family to live courageously for You. In Jesus' name, Amen

Scripture Lookup: 
Psalm 86:2 / Psalms 143:8 / Isaiah 26:3-4 / I Corinthians 16:13-14 / 2 Thessalonians 3:3