KCC Impact Kids

KCC Impact Kids

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Who Is God?

Who is God? And can I really know Him? 
Biblical Worldview of God and Truth

Wise builders know that every house must have a FOUNDATION. A foundation is usually made of concrete or stone and steel, and its purpose is to hold the house up from underneath. Wise builders also know that the foundation must be built on very sold ground or rock. If the house is built on sand, the building will fall when the sand under the foundation washes away in a storm, and when it shifts during an earthquake.

For the same reason, a person's life must also have a strong foundation. Wise people know that "storms" are a part of life, that we all will face our share of difficulties and disappointments.
Therefore wise people build the foundation of their lives on God, whom the Bible calls the ROCK!

"For who is God besides the Lord? And who is the Rock except our God?" 2 Samuel 22:32

"{God} alone is my rock and my salvation." Psalm 62:2

God is like the solid rock, dependable and durable, on which wise people lay the foundations for their houses. You can always count on God and His Word - the Bible - because they always tell us what is true. Whether building houses or building their lives, wise people will follow a good plan, and there is no plan as good as the one found in God's Word.

Yet some people don't follow the best plan for building their houses. More importantly, some people don't follow the best plan for building their lives. Some don't know about the instructions God gives us in the Bible for building our lives. Others know about the Bible but choose to ignore it.

Jesus warned us that many people build their lives on sand. This means that they decide what is true in their own minds.; they decide for themselves what is right and what is wrong. And when they build their lives without guidance from God, sooner or later their lives start cracking and sliding downward.

Wise builders, however, know that God is the Rock of Truth. That's why they choose to follow the plan God gives us in His Word for building their lives. Instead of building on sandy ground (worldly ideas and ways), they build on The Rock (God and His Word).

This week it would be awesome if you could: 
1) Look up scriptures that explain why you should build your life on the Rock of God and His Word. 
2) Identify ways that people build their lives on "sand" instead of building on THE Rock. 
3) Talk about ways that each of us can build a foundation on Jesus and His ways. 

Credit to John Hay and David Webb: Who is God? And Can I Really Know Him?                     Biblical Worldview Curriculum 

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