KCC Impact Kids

KCC Impact Kids

Friday, June 5, 2015

Jesus Eats With His Friends

Jesus wanted to spend his last meal on earth with his closet friends.                                       Unfortunately, one of Jesus' closest friends was going to betray Him and hand Him over to the enemy - AND JESUS KNEW IT! 
Jesus loved His friends and wanted them to be loyal to him even if they had to make sacrifices, face death, and stand up for Him. Jesus wants us to be loyal to Him also.                                                      He also wants us to be loyal friends to others. 

Scripture Time: 
Matthew 26:20-29

Talk Time: 
What are some loyal things Jesus did? 
How can you be a more loyal friend? 

Daily Challenges: Pick one to do this week!

#1 - Read Proverbs 11:13 every morning this week. Ask God to help you keep your friends' confidence and to not talk about people being their backs. Commit each day to being a loyal and trustworthy friend.

#2 - Ask an adult how he or she has been loyal to a friend in the past. Then pray together for the strength to make sacrifices for our friends also and remain loyal each day this week. (And more....)

#3 - Talk to one of your friends this week about times you've betrayed his or her trust or times he or she has betrayed your trust. After discussing these times, ask each other forgiveness and promise to be more loyal to each other in the future. 

Living it out in your home. 

Loyal Cookies
1. Bake sugar cookies with your family. 
2. Decorate the cookies with your favorite frosting, write "loyal" with writing icing. 
3. Discuss how loyalty is sweet like the cookies you made. 
4. Deliver the cookies to a friend!

A Big Sacrifice 
1. Invite everyone in your favorite to sit around the table together. 
2. Read Matthew 26:20-29 together with your family. 
3. Set juice and crackers on the table. 
4. Talk about Jesus' last supper and the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross. Then discuss what sacrifices you can make in order to be loyal friends this week. 
5. Thank Jesus for dying on the cross and for being your loyal friend. 
6. Eat the crackers and drink the juice. 

"There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends." John 15:13

Lesson credit goes to Group's Living Inside Out Friendship Ride.